De zonnebloem is symbool voor vrede, alleen al door de gele kleur, die ons doet denken aan de zon, licht en leven. Het Franse woord Tournesol, de bloem die zich draait naar de zon, zegt al genoeg over haar betekenis.
De zonnebloem als schenker van olie op de uitgesterkte velden in de Oekraine. Zullen ze dit jaar tot bloei komen in dit mooie, maar verscheurde land?
De zonnebloem, de zunnebloome, bloeide ooit veelvuldig op de akkers in Hellendoorn. Dit is als symbool geworden voor Hellendoorn voor haar beroemdste gedicht van Johanna van Buren. Het is een ode aan een verlepte zonnebloem, die haar mooiste dagen heeft gehad, echter haar zaden rijpen….
Dat geldt ook voor de zonnebloemen schilderijen van Vincent van Gogh! De rondleidster in dit museum vertelde: “Zie je dit, dit zijn uitgebloeide zonnebloemen”. Schoonheid zien in het verval….
English article: Alireza Karimi Moghaddam
Sunflowers have long been the national flower of the Ukraine, but in 1996 they were also chosen as a symbol of world peace, and a world free of nuclear weapons.
This event took place when Ukraine gave up its last nuclear warhead on a former Ukraine missile base, on June 4th 1996.
The US, Russia, and Ukraine were all present at this event, and the then Secretary of US Defence, William Perry, said, “Sunflowers instead of missiles in the soil will ensure peace for future generations.”
They celebrated by scattering and planting sunflower seeds on the site, and also at nuclear disaster sites throughout the world…Fukushima, Chernobyl, Hiroshima…..
May those scattered sunflower seeds be remembered today, and their message bloom in the hearts of all, bringing about the changes needed to restore peace once again to the Ukraine and her people.
“This will be our reply to violence: to make music more intensely, more beautifully, more devotedly than ever before.” ~ Leonard Bernstein
Vedran Smailović (born Nov. 11, 1956), known as the “Cellist of Sarajevo”, is a musician from Bosnia and Herzegovina. During the siege of Sarajevo, he played Albinoni’s Adagio in G Minor in ruined buildings, and, often under the threat of snipers, he played during funerals.
“If your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink. In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head.” ~ Paul, Romans 12:20